"Ya'll, I'm saving the show with my personality. Fir reals."
THE CHALLENGE: Create an age-appropriate outfit for a little girl and a corresponding outfit for her mother.

"Why must EVERYTHING be a contest?"
This week's guest judge is Tory Burch. And she is a smug, stuck-up bitch supreme with nothing of any interest to say. We'll get to her complete personality defect-assery in a few... But first, the runway!

Awwww. Love the yellow and the SMILE on the little girl! She's so happy! (I was so delighted that the kids got to do the runway... what a dream come true for a little girl! And a new old biddy...) I don't love the midrift on the "mom" model. (Of course, I stopped showing my midrift years ago... sigh...) Either way, a cute combo and perhaps the new Morton Salt ad?

I wish the "foreign contaminant robot" from Wall-E would follow this chick...
What a waste of salt! (TWSS)
Next up... BEN:

Ben's child model cracked me up because she was so timid and shy. When she get to the end of the runway she just did a little hip wiggle. It was so adorable that I clapped (which greatly alarmed the dogs on the couch with me).
Ben's look is truly a lovely and safe design. I feel like they are well made but the nothing mind blowing is happening here. I feel like you can find these looks in stores already. Safe, agreed!

WOW - this is a great look for the model, Holly. And she's finally styled correctly so that she looks feminine and soft instead of aggressively mannish. Love the little girl's dress with the pockets!! (OMG, I love pockets!) Do you know how many tissues I would have left in the pockets if I had that dress as a child? TONS! And they all would have gone through the wash and made my mom crazy. (I was an awesome kid...)
I actually would want to try on the "mom's" dress. I really love how tailored it is... although I'm not sure the pink would play to well on me since I'm over 25-years-old (by several years).

Ummmm. Meh? I don't like that the "mom's" outfit is separates as it has that slight separation where you can see her stomach and that makes the outfit look sloppy. The little girl's dress is cute - very vacation dinner looking, as if they are in Hawaii or somewhere tropical. But I agree that this look belongs in the safe category.

Hate the kid's outfit, love the "mom's." The kid's outfit to me is a bit trite in that "kid's love colors!" sort of way. It's just too busy for me. I would have rather seen a solid legging in a complimentary color than the polka dots. I love the "mom's" jacket and I find it interesting that her leggings are cut on a bias at the bottom. I'd love to try them on and see how they look! Again, agree that this look is safe.
TOP 2:

VERY fashion forward. I want the kid's outfit for myself. I love the cut of the shirt w/ the jeans. The "mom's" shirt would just make me look lumpier than I already am. To me, that is truly a shirt that can only be worn by a tall and slender gal. (Same with the pants... they seem quite unforgiving and what I call "Spanx Pants" because OMG, I'll need to be sucked in to make these work.)
The judges love how chic this looks are... I agree! But, I think the mom's look just isn't as functional as the kid's outfit is. But that's just me...

HMMMMMMMMM. I go back and forth on these looks. Let me start with what I love. THAT JACKET. If I were a kid (or adult) I'd wear the crap outta that jacket. I like the dress, but the OCD in me wants to yank it down to make it symmetrical (which its not on purpose as part of the design risk).
The mom's dress.... Um....... I'll say it, it doesn't look very substantial at all. It looks very flimsy, especially around the neckline. BUT I do like the design of it and wonder if I might look like I have a waist if I wore it.
I do love the color scheme of these looks. They are appropriate for both ages. Jesse said he was inspired by Madeline, from the children's books:

"Help! I have 4 fingers on my right hand but only 2 on my left!

Holy moly. I want both looks. BOTH! RIGHT NOW!
The hoodie on the child is adorsables and the jacket on the "mom" is to die for. DIE. FOR. This outfit makes me want to adopt a child for the day so we can be matchies. Squeee!
Seth Aaron has immunity for next week. Excellent job!!

Oh dear. The kid's dress is on track until he added the napkin down the front and Kors summed it up correctly when he said that the "mom" looks like she got caught up in a tornado of toilet paper. Nailed it!
I do have to applaud Jonathan though for pushing the envelope and taking a risk. I can see where he was headed, it just didn't make it. The kid's dress and the form of the mom's are both great. It's just the "napkin/toilet paper" aspect that comes in and ruins the whole thing. The kid also mentions the bolero jacket she's wearing is cutting into her armpit a bit. Okay, that's bad. I think he could have just forgone the jacket and the look would have been just fine. OR, skip the toilet paper on the mom's dress and give HER the bolero jacket. Yes?

I have to say, these are not my favorite outfits but LOOK HOW HAPPY the child and model look in them! For me, that saves the outfit completely. The bitchy guest judge doesn't think the colors match (!!!???) and everyone thinks the pants are a bit "clownish." (Tim Gunn warned Amy of that... but encouraged her to go with the risk.) If this was a skirt instead of pants, I think this look would have rocked. I like the colors together. I also LOVE the sweater on the kid's outfit. And I like the twist on the leggings. I do agree though that the child's outfit is fussed over too much and has too many components.
Here's where I think Tory Burch can just go suck an egg. She says in the snottiest way that the colors on these outfits don't match? OH yeah, Tory? But yet you sell this ugly bullshit on your site for hundreds of dollars?
HOLY THROW UP BAGS. This is the hottest mess of fugly I've seen in a long time. WHAT IS THIS? HOW DARE you yell at Amy. I'd wear her outfit over this ugliness any day. Also, Tory, this purse is NOT worth several hundred dollars:
This looks like birth control pills, right???
So suck it Tory Burch. You're a hypocrite. BOOOO!
And auf'd this week... JANEANE:

I knew she was going home from the start of the show as she got the "loser" soundbite slot and the "I miss my family, good thing I lose this week so I can see them soon" phone call. Ugh.
The judges think these outfits look like cheap discount mall outfits. HEY! My wardrobe resembles that remark! I think the ideas are good but Janeane isn't good enough to make these designs pop and stand out. I like her color scheme actually the top on the "mom" isn't bad. I think the kid's outft is very kid appropriate. But I do agree with the fact that she had $50 to spend on it and it looks like a $15 outfit. That aspect is where this outfit does indeed really fall short.

We'll see who ends up like this... hehehehehhhhh.
Please join the fanpage dedicated to the show we love to hate, Project Runway.
Let's work together to make sure Season 8 doesn't have the dull string of episodes that Seasons 6 and 7 have. (This episode excluded!) Thanks for joining up!
I totally agree with most of this! I love love loved Seth Aaron's from the start. And I do think the colors on Amy's were wonderful! I would love both outfits. They're a risk but I love that they "pop." I have to disagree about Emilio though. I thought the little girl's outfit was so cliched and boring. It looks like an outfit my daughter's old fashioned dolls would have. His model pulled the adult look off and it is talored impeccably, but it also looks old fashioned to me.
ReplyDeleteI am not incredibly hip as a dresser, so that's why I think I liked Emilio's, he appealed to the old side of my biddy. :)
ReplyDeleteDear Jennifer,
ReplyDeleteI love you. I wish you woudl show your midriff more.
But if you ever show up in public with hair like Seth Aaron's model, I will cry. Really. Honest.
I couldn't do my hair like Seth Aaron's if I tried! Mid-riff. Ooops. I spelled it all wrong. Must be because I'm not connected to my own. ;)
ReplyDeleteTory Burch was just awful. The colors don't match? Really, that's it? I kind of loved Amy's look. The colors (which were more teal and coral/orange) looked young and fun.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Tory-LOVE this look from your Fall 2010 RTW line: http://www.style.com/slideshows/2010/fashionshows/F2010RTW/TBURCH/00230m.jpg
I liked Amy's as well, I think if she had made pants idea into the shirt with a dark pant (maybe not make the circls as big) she would have been ok. I liked that they used the kids and the models, it was a good challenge. I often pictured them going to easter services though. ha! You were very complemntary of the use of leggings in this episode, is that because they were on children and appropriate or are you changing up a bit? :-)
Sara! HAHAHAHA! Wow. Tory Burch should not throw stones. WOW. THANK YOU for that! :)
ReplyDeleteMarcy! Leggings.... I may be going to the dark side. I have to say since moving to NYC I see the appeal of leggings. They keep your legs warm and look kick ass in boots. Jeans, not as much. And they all did look like they were going to Easter services, didn't they?? Good call!
I was surprised Emilio was safe. The kid's dress was way too long and made her look 3 years old. Actually I HAD a pink dress like that when I was 3.
ReplyDeleteThe mom outfit was alright, but I'm not a fan of the shoulder pads. It reminds me of the 80's.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I have pictures of my mom and I dressed like his models back in the mid-80s.
ReplyDeleteI know his "mom" dress is terribly dated, but Holly sold it so well that I WANT it. (I know... I need fashion help....)
i saw your facebook post about seth aaron winning and i definitely thought you posted a spoiler about this coming episode, because i completely forgot it was even on last week and didn't watch it, and clearly didn't miss it. that's saying a lot.
ReplyDeleteanother reason that tory character sucks is this. she said orange and blue don't compliment each other? i'm pretty sure orange and blue are in fact complimentary colors. so there.
i agree that if amy's pants were a skirt, that outfit would be a million times better. and i've liked seth aaron from day one - but i'm partial to the rock and roll types. [ie i always liked jeffrey even though he came off like an a-hole.] i don't always like his looks, but i'd like to be his friend.
Jen, I thought the exact thing about Amy's outfit -- why did she make pants instead of a circle skirt?
ReplyDeleteHated Emilio's adult dress. The kid's dress was cliched but well made, but why submit your model to a pink dress? He could have gotten the same materials as the kid dress and made a cute blazer out of it for jeans and a white shirt. Of course, that's a lot more work. =)
LOVED Seth Aaron's looks, both of them. Clearly he understand what rocker little girls want. Adorable sweatshirt, and I loved how he created the "houndstooth" for the adult jacket. Want that jacket!
ReplyDeleteA skirt would have been amazing!
I'm the only one who likes Emilio's adult dress. I understand that I'm alone in this. Which means that I won't have to fight anybody to get my hands on it. ;)
But I WILL fight you for SA's jacket. FIGHT!!!
I like Emilio's adult dress too. I do agree that his kid's dress is cute but would be better for a younger child. Love the pockets, didn't notice them while watching the show. I was once at a wedding and the bride reached into her pocket to get her vows. There was a collective gasp from all the women.
ReplyDeleteI also loved Seth Aaron's outfits. And Amy's colors totally complemented each other.
1) Jesse's belt looks almost exactly like Ben's from last episode. Hmmmmm
ReplyDelete2) Emilio's model looks like she's casting for Legally Blonde :)
3) How interesting that they are doing a challenge I specifically mentioned last blog as being awesome. Talk about coincidence!
When I first saw Amy's look on the runway, I thought it was one of the more interesting pieces out there. I don't think she deserved to be in the bottom really, because she was on the cusp of a really cool idea with the shape. When the pants moved they looked almost like they WERE a skirt, which I thought was the best part. Maybe if they had been a bit looser around the leg the illusion would have been enough to make it a 'good' design over a bad one.
Oh, and those colors do go together. Maybe on TV we can't see it in the same light, but I thought people were supposed to be pushing the envelope anyways and trying new things. That's something that's got me angry this season >(
Jeez, Jennifer Eolin liked a hoodie outfit? Shocked. Shocked I say.
ReplyDeleteWhat I LOVED about this episode was that Seth Aaron did NOT have the winner's soundbite slot! Anthony did, even tho I figured it out 15 minutes in when Seth Aaron got more time talking outfits than anyone else, except the obvious loser Janeane.
I, too, find it QUITE interesting that the hardware store challenge was mentioned last week as being on another show and now it's going to be on PR-America. Wonder if Tim Gunn will say "Avant Garde - Go!"
Bunim-Murray still suck.
Blue and Orange in the hues presented do NOT go together. Ever. On any color wheel/spectrum.
Ben is still in my final 3 - guy hasn't had more than 2 soundbites yet.
starbuckcubed - A WEDDING DRESS WITH POCKETS?! I might have to get married again just to wear that dress. Or use it as a Halloween outfit. ;)
ReplyDeleteHisui - 1) OOO! 2) HAHHAHA! 3) They are stalking you. And I too hate when designers who push the envelope (in a good way) are in the bottom 2. BOOOO!
Mintzworks - You are right! Anthony totally had the "I won this" slot. But as soon as we got to Mood, I knew something was up as there was TOO much time spent on SA. Ben? Who's Ben??? Grrr....
I found it incredibly stupid that Tory Burch's comment was that the colors of Amy's outfit weren't "complementary". By definition, blue and orange are COMPLEMENTARY colors.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, really all that difficult?
ReplyDeleteI love this fashion show, I think that the people can know about it when we saw the deferents way to share the clothes, the children in the show was a great idea!!22dd