Friday, March 19, 2010

A new side to this biddy...

OH my, kids.  I now have a second blog.  WHAT?  I know.  What the hell?

My second blog is titled: "The Social Media Biddy."  It's about my budding porno career.  HAHAHA!  No.  Seriously.  It's about getting the interwebs back from all this social media blather going on out there.  And yes, I'm using a social media tool to do it!

Go over and read what I have to say.  Let me know what you think.  Let's keep the GOOD conversations going, and not the jibber-jabber that is useless social media.  Word.


  1. I am down with "no jibber-jabber", that is usually the Internet in general.

    Checking it out as we speak...


  2. Still reading through, but wanted to mention that Tim had said that the leader of the losing group wouldn't necessarily be going home this time (at least I think that's what he said). Also, someone has to ask: only ONE rasher of bacon??!!! Who are you, and what have you done with our Old Biddy?

  3. Ack, this was posting on the wrong blog entry. Nevermind!



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